Friday, July 2, 2010

Hell's Road, Paved With Good Intentions

The scariest part of our downward spiral into Socialism, is that too many supporters and proponents of the idea don't recognize what needs to be done in order to advance their agenda. They don't seem to understand that liberties will have to be suspended and freedoms revoked. That businesses will fail in large part to crippling regulations and restrictions required by nationalization.

Many proponents of socialism, progressivism or by whatever other name you want to call it, I believe, have good intentions. They care about their neighbors, communities, etc. They want to see their fellow man prosper. No one likes to see the homless people begging on street corners, no one likes to see the face of a starving child, no one takes comfort in the dismal rate of unemployment in this country, and EVERYONE wants to find a solution. But government control is not the answer.

History Lesson #1: After World War I, Germany was broke, its people were starving and they had to do something about it. Along comes the National Socialist Party with a plan to put things right. Their plan includes government control of the means of production and nationalization of all industry. In their desperation, they legally granted dictatorial authority to their democratically elected Chancellor, Adolph Hitler, who had promised to lead Germany to prosperity. Promising them a great change. We know what happened from there, and prosperity never makes an appearance in that story.

Sound familiar? It almost reads like contemporary news headlines. Government takes control of auto industry, healthcare, soon energy and climate. Legislation for government control of water, ALL water, even your own private well or the creek that runs through your property. The oil industry is next. You don't think so? Well, if the progressives have their way, that's exactly what will happen. I'm not a fortune teller, clairvoyant, mystic, prophet or seer, but anyone who has eyes and half a brain can see and intuit what will happen if we continue down this spiral to Socialism.

Don't believe me? You don't have to. Just ask yourself a couple of questions.

1.) Is Government efficient?
2.) Is Government effective?

If you answered yes to either of the questions, then the Gov. entity you have in mind is probably the Internal Revenue Service. Being the only one that really follows through with their beuracracy. Otherwise, the answer is a resounding NO!!

I live in Alaska where summer is affectionately referred to as "construction season". I see the construction crews, often times, just standing around. Or they set up their equipment and then leave. The "flaggers", who stand there with a sign, guess how much money they make? Seriously, you won't believe it.... between $27 and $36 per hour. Because they are Union workers earning money from Government contracts. Not only do they get paid well, but they get a pension, health benefits, can't get fired and can be as lazy as they want. Kinda makes you want to go work for a Union, doesn't it? That's the inefficiency I'm talking about.

How many days has it been since the deep water Horizon rig exploded in the Gulf? I believe we are on day 72 and not only is the clean up effort painfully slow, but the well head is still gushing millions of gallons of oil. The Government isn't any closer to fixing this problem than they are to having an exit startegy for our wars in the Middle East. That's the reality of the Government's ineffectuality.

History Lesson #2: When this country gained its independence from the tyranny of King George of England, a Constitution was drafted to grant liberty and ensure freedom for the people. Our government was set up in three branches to provide checks and balances so that not one branch of government could seize more power than another. The Executive Branch and the Presidency were set up for the sole purpose of National Security.

Our current President acts more like a Legislator and policy maker. Under our Constitution, that authority is delegated to the Legislative Branch of government (being the Senate and House of Representatives, for those who don't know). By issuing Executive Orders, our current President flexes a power that does not belong to him. Disregarding the Constitution as some aging document that doesn't apply to our current state of liberty and freedom.

Our current President also acts like a Litigator and Judge. When he passes judgment on the legality of Arizona's immigration law and vows to sue them on the grounds that it is unconstitutional, he is overstepping his bounds. Especially when it was Arizona who is doing the President's job for him. Our breached borders are a matter of National Security, (the President's job) and without his direct involvement, Arizona has stepped up.

The point, is that our current President is beginning to act like a dictator. That soon, the progressive agenda will be forced down our throats until we wake up one day to Totalitarianism. The progressives and democratic-socialists' heads will spin at how fast they regret getting us all into this mess once they realize that what they tried to do with good intentions, has done nothing but damn us into oppression.


  1. Excellent tutorial!! I'd like to borrow it and put in on a forum I frequent if you don't mind.

    You are SO right on the money!

  2. About Time I hear this kind of sensible talk out of you!
